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  1. Make sure @biomejs/biome is installed as peer dependency.

  2. Add biome field to plugin config. The exact command to be run can be further configured with command and flags parameters. See the documentation for CLI reference. The default root of the command uses Vite's root.


    Do not add --apply to the flags since the plugin is only aiming at checking issues.

    // e.g.
    export default {
      plugins: [
          biome: {
            command: 'check',


Advanced object configuration table of options.biome

fieldTypeDefault valueDescription
command'check' | 'lint' | 'format' | 'ci''lint' in dev, 'check' in build.The command to execute biome with.
flagsstring''CLI flags to pass to the command.
dev.logLevel('error' | 'warning')[]['error', 'warning'](Only in dev mode) Which level of Biome diagnostics should be emitted to terminal and overlay in dev mode.
dev.command'check' | 'lint' | 'format' | 'ci'''Command to run in dev mode, it will override command config in dev mode.
dev.flagsstring''Flags to run in dev mode, it will override flags config in dev mode.
build.command'check' | 'lint' | 'format' | 'ci'''Command to run in build mode, it will override command config in build mode.
build.flagsstring''Flags to run in build mode, it will override flags config in build mode.

Released under the MIT License.